Singing Guide: Danny Scholl

Singing Guide: Danny Scholl

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Danny Scholl: An American Tenor With a Distinctive Sound

Danny Scholl, an American tenor with a distinctive sound, is a great example to learn from if you want to improve your high and bright vocals. Scholl has spent years honing his craft, and his unique style has made him one of the most sought-after tenors in America.

Singing Techniques

Danny Scholl's singing technique is characterized by his stunning high notes, his crystalline tone, and his ability to sing with sheer power without ever losing his control. Here's what you can learn from his distinctive style:

  • Breathing Technique: Effective management of air requires a broad diaphragm and taking breaths deep into the body. The Farinelli exercise teaches correct breathing and helps with identifying correct diaphragmatic movement.
  • Articulation: To improve your articulation skills, try Finger Bite exercise, in which you put your index finger between your teeth and practice saying words starting with different letters.
  • Voice Registers: Watch the video 'Mixed Voice' from Singing Carrots, where professional vocal coach Cameron Grey explains how to make smooth transitions between different voice registers.
  • Pitch Accuracy: Practice the Pitch Accuracy test from Singing Carrots, which will assess your ability to follow along with simple melodies and evaluate your pitch accuracy.

Danny Scholl's Popular Songs

Danny Scholl's discography spans across multiple genres, and his unique vocal technique has helped him find success with audiences worldwide. Here are some of his popular songs that highlight his unique vocal technique:

  • Odysseus Came Home: A highly emotional ballad featuring Scholl's terrific vibrato control. The song has a tremendous build-up, and Scholl's voice remains consistent throughout, showcasing his impressive breath control.
  • Auras: A catchy pop song with high-sung notes and intricate melodies that showcase Scholl's range and agility.
  • Come Saturday Morning: A classic love song that showcases Scholl's ability to convey emotion with his voice. The song is soft and mellow, but Scholl's voice remains powerful throughout.
  • The Impossible Dream: A classic track with challenging high notes and a powerful crescendo. Scholl's control on the high-pitch notes here is spectacular, making this track an excellent example of how to sing with sheer power without overextending.

Practice Tips

To improve your singing skills, here are some practical tips that you could follow:

  • Consistency is key when you're starting your musical journey, dedicate at least 30 minutes per day.
  • Sing along with Danny's songs to improve your vocal range and style with the Pitch training tool. Target vocal practice towards different aspects of Scholl's singing style, such as vibrato, pitch accuracy, and breath control.
  • Study vocal technique articles provided by Singing Carrots, such as Articulation and Open Mouth & Throat, to get more in-depth guidance on practicing techniques that Danny uses in his singing.


Danny Scholl has a unique singing style that showcases the high and bright vocal range he possesses. By following his techniques and practicing regularly, you can take your singing to the next level and improve your high notes. Don't forget to use the tools, videos, and articles provided by Singing Carrots, such as the Vocal range test, Pitch accuracy test, and Pitch Monitor, to enhance your learning experience.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.